A memory card (preferable a spare one), and also
preferable smaller that 2GB
-A Phone
-Backup all the info on the memory card, we will be
formatting it!
Section 1 - Creating a Goldcard on a working phone
Step 1) Get memory card CID and goldcard image
-Insert the memory card you wish to make into a goldcard
into the phone.
-Go to Settings/SD and Phone storage on the phone
and select 'unmount SD card'. Once the card is unmounted select 'Erase SD
-Download and install 'Goldcard Helper' from the
-The app will run and give two CID's which are all
ready reversed, write down the mmc2 number.
-Go to http://huygens.hoxnet.com/goldcard.html website here and enter your
mmc2 CID and download the gold card image (goldcard.img).
Step (2) Create the Goldcard
-Download 'HxD-Hex-Editor' from here and install it
on your PC.
-Connect the phone to the PC in 'disk mode' i.e.
view your SD card on the PC (Removable Disk).
-Open the Hex Editor (Run as Administrator if
Vista/Windows 7)
-Select the 'Extra' tab and then 'Open Disk'. Under
Physical Disk select your Removable Disk (your SD cad) and ensure
'Open as Read Only' is not selected and then select
-Now goto the 'Extra' tab again and select 'Open
Disk Image' and select the 'goldcard.img' file you downloaded early
(Step 1). Press OK when prompted for Sector Size
-You will now have two tabs open, one the SD card
and the other the goldcard image, now to merge the two
-Go to the goldcard.img tab and select 'Edit' then
'Select All' then 'Edit' and 'Copy'.
-Now go the you SD card tab and highlight offset
00000000 to 000000170, and then 'Edit' and 'Paste'
-Lastly go to 'File' and select 'Save'
All Done......
You can also have a look here for a more
modern/complex method
Or here (has a video).
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